When we compete in sporting activities, we strive to do our best in an effort to outperform our competition or to set a new personal best that outperforms our previous efforts. Unfortunately, this can often lead to injuries such as sprains, strains, and muscle tears that can take several days, weeks, and even months to recover from, depending on the severity of the injury. Learn how deep tissue massage therapy in Fort Collins, CO and elsewhere can help athletes recover from such sports injuries below.
What is Deep Tissue Massage Therapy?
Deep tissue massage therapy is a type of massage that works on the deeper layer of muscles within your body, as well as the tissues that connect those muscles to your bones. Unlike other types of massages, this type of massage therapy is primarily focused on treating muscle stiffness and pain through the application of slow strokes and firm pressure.
How Does This Type of Therapy Help Athletes?
Sprains and strains of muscles are quite common for athletes striving to perform at their best in athletic events. This can lead to injuries that can keep them on the sidelines for days, weeks, and even months at a time.
While surgery is sometimes necessary, this type of therapy can be helpful in getting athletes back on the field or court sooner because this therapy can help to relieve the muscle stiffness and pain that often occurs when an athlete sprains or strains a muscle. It can also work to break up any scar tissue that has formed because of the injury, as well as lessen the tension in the muscle and surrounding tissue.
In addition, this type of massage therapy can help to promote greater blood flow to the injured muscles, which can help those muscles to heal quicker. It can also help to reduce inflammation that can cause pain and stiffness to linger in those affected muscles.
Contact us to learn more about our facility, our experienced massage therapists, and how the benefits of massage therapy can help to improve your athletic performance.