Virtually all of us deal with various types of physical pain due to our busy, stressful lives. We often look to doctors and medical experts for pain relief, whether that is through rehabilitation practices, surgeries, and preventative maintenance. Unfortunately, these are not always effective in reducing and eliminating our pain. Another option that more and more people are turning to is acupuncture treatment. Learn what acupuncture treatment at Fort Collins Massage and Acupuncture in Fort Collins, CO and elsewhere is below.
What is Acupuncture Treatment?
This type of treatment involves the insertion of extremely thin needles through your skin at specific points on your body, known as acupoints. The reasoning behind this process is based on traditional Chinese medicine that believes these acupoints are connected to meridians, a network of energy channels that run throughout our bodies. This treatment is believed to help restore the balance of qi (known as “vital energy”) in the body, as stimulating the acupoints can help to unblock energy flow and release endorphins and other neurotransmitters in order to promote healing.
Why the Demand for This Treatment is Growing
As mentioned above, rehabilitation procedures and surgeries common in Western medicine practices are not always effective in treating and eliminating our pain. Additionally, such surgeries and rehabilitation programs can cause us to lose weeks and months of our lives in an attempt to recover from our injuries and pain, causing us further stress because we cannot meet our responsibilities to our families, our careers, and other events.
Many choose acupuncture because it offers them a viable way to reduce and eliminate pain without much to any recovery time, is far cheaper than a doctor visit and a hospital stay, and can enable them to regain much to all mobility so that they can enjoy life again like they did without dealing with the constant pain they are currently enduring.
Contact us to learn more about our facility, our experienced acupuncture practitioners, and how the benefits of acupuncture can help to improve your life.