Fort Collins Massage and Acupuncture provides effective acupuncture treatment in Fort Collins, CO and the surrounding areas. The benefits of effective acupuncture treatment can provide considerable relief from pain and stress relief that many traditional Western medicine methods and practices cannot. Our experienced acupuncture practitioners near me are capable of providing these benefits to you through acupuncture sessions near me that are designed to relax you and relieve you of your pain.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) involves a holistic approach to treat both mental and physical ailments. This is because traditional Chinese medicine is based on the theory that sickness comes from an imbalance of a person’s life force energy, commonly referred to as “qi,” (sometimes spelled as “chi”).
In order to bring this energy back into balance, TCM practitioners will use various herbal medicines and body and mind practices on a person who needs their qi balanced. These practices can include tai chi and acupuncture.
Benefits of Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a type of holistic treatment that involves the stimulation of the peripheral nerves. This will result in the brain releasing endorphins, or natural painkillers, in an effort to reduce and eliminate physical pain. When the pain pathways are blocked, you experience relief from your pain. Experienced acupuncture practitioners will employ acupuncture sessions to help people experience pain relief from such chronic conditions as migraines and arthritis.
In addition to experiencing relief from pain, there are other benefits of acupuncture. Acupuncture sessions near me by properly trained acupuncture practitioners can also reduce the amount of stress and anxiety a person experiences. This is done by regulating the autonomic nervous system, promoting a balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches. Acupuncture has also been shown to improve circulation and blood flow, which can help to promote healing from injuries.
Contact us to learn more about our facility, our experienced acupuncture practitioners, and how the benefits of acupuncture can help to improve your life.